Michigan also looks pretty interesting - lots of climate risk but not a lot of people voting that way

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Another wealth of information and analysis on an aspect of inequality as well as the political divide.

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Really appreciate that David! How does your community stack up in this one?

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Mostly performative and thinking that something will come along to make the climate crisis go away. Very wealthy people continue to buy homes in Miami for example, in many cases moving from the Upper east and Upper West Side of Manhattan, which is magnitudes better protected in terms of sea rise.

What’s the message of flying in a private plane to climate conferences?

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Miami is such an interesting one here. Highest risk of the effects of climate change from the NASA data, but the biggest gap about how much people think it should be a priority

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I like the simple yet impactful idea in Path Forward to publicize our small actions - I agree, this is something everyone can do at a micro level.

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Change starts one person at a time

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Climate change is a hoax - A way to deflect the simple minded from what is really going on ….. Plymouth rock looks as it did 400 years ago - if there was warming, would the water have risen to cover the rock?? Even a complete moron could understand this ….

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Cmon man you can’t be serious

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Facts suck when they turn your talking points into irrelevant trash

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Looks like this got dis-platformed. Have another copy.

Rev 5

“the Inconvenient Skeptic”

John Kehr

Chapters 11 and 12 contain serious errors and misconceptions.

Earth w or wo atmos/GHE/30% albedo: 288 K w – 255 K w/o = 33 C cooler is rubbish.

Nobody agrees 288 K is the GMST plus it was 15 C in 1896.

255 K (240 W/m^2) is the spherical ToA (not surface) equilibrium OLR consequence of a 30% albedo not the result of a GHE.

Without GHG water vapor there is no 30% albedo.

30% albedo = spherical ToA calculated equilibrium OLR of 240 W/m^2 & 255 K.

Lunarific 10% albedo = spherical ToA calculated equilibrium OLR of 308 W/m^2 & 271 K, 16 C warmer.

Black magma covered Earth 0% albedo = spherical ToA calculated equilibrium OLR of 342 W/m^2 & 278 K, 23 C warmer.

396 upwelling LWIR is the theoretical “What if?” BB calculation for a 16 C surface that fills the denominator of the emissivity ratio. (emissivity=radiation from system/radiation from system as BB at temp) This 396 up/333 “back”/duplicate 63 GHE radiative forcing loop is “extra”, not real and has no business even being on the GHE balance graphics.

And, no, it is not measured.

IR instruments do not measure flux directly. They are designed, fabricated and calibrated to deliver a relative, comparative, referenced temperature assuming the target is a black body. If the target is not a BB the operator is advised to paint it or tape it black to mimic such or insert the known emissivity. In the case of the K-T graphic that emissivity is: 0.16 = 63/396. SURFRAD & USCRN also incorrectly assume BB.

There is no such thing as “air flux.” This requires energy flow from cool to warm w/o work violating LoT 2. (page 229 “radiative fluxes” is LoT nonsense!)

This cooling is actually produced by the kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous air molecules. (conduction+convection+advection+latent)

More kinetic action produces cooler temperatures and lower radiation.

Less kinetic action produces warmer temperatures and higher radiation.

Temperature is a function of the kinetic processes, radiation is a function of temperature, radiation is a function (inverse) of the kinetic processes.

The kinetic and radiative heat transfer processes are inversely joined at the hip as demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.


There is no GHE, no GHG warming and no CAGW.

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The Good News Is

We Don’t Have To Re-Imagine Liberals.

We Don’t Even Have To Imagine Them.

They’re Complete Fucking Idiots.


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Jun 12
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That's for sure

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