Oct 6, 2023Liked by Jeremy Ney

...jb said it...W O W

this was outstanding

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Thanks so much Lulie

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Hmmm.... interesting how this trend started with the Biden Administration taking over. Also, the the worst state in the country with a poverty issue is arguably the most progressive one. Why no recognition of the horrific quantitative easing policies that were started by Trump and then doubled down twice by Biden and company? This on top a horrible Covid response by our government and governments across the globe causing the rampant inflation which has pushed people into poverty and this rate.

If was more taxes and programs were the solution, than California would be a shining beacon of how this problem should be fixed, instead of being the worst performing state.

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Way to take any semblance of nuance and bludgeon it with the easy political answer.

The fact that CA, FL, and MS are in the top three demonstrates that this more than a red/blue or left/right problem.

A quick glance at states in the dark blue does not lend itself to simplistic narrow sighted interpretation either.

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Part of what I wanted to convey is that poverty doesn't care about politics - California (a blue state) and Mississippi (a red state) both experience poverty deeply. One of the solutions, which is to provide funds to low-income families with children like the expanded CTC did, is also a bipartisan approach. In fact Reagan expanded the EITC during his presidency.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Jeremy Ney

That was my take away from the article as well. Neither side can be solely blamed.

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Wow I had no idea

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